How to Overcome Stress and Depression? Read this blog to overcome symptoms for a happier life!
How to overcome stress and depression? This topic has been discussed frequently in the current year. With the pandemic, the already existing stress levels have witnessed a rise with a focus on stress or depression.
There are many demands for answers on stress and depression with individuals grappling to maintain their work-from-home routines.
There’s no fixed mantra for stress and depression at work or in personal life, but one technique that always works is - Staying Informed!
Stress and depression management is easier when you have a trusted professional, therapist, or counselor on your healing journey.
Considering professional help on stress and depression is no longer frowned upon but before we understand this further, find out what is stress, how to overcome stress and depression, relief, and more.
Stress is the way your physical body and/or emotional side responds to situations that cause you strain. The causes of stress might be many, but most importantly, stress may show itself up at a physical and/or emotional level.
This tension that builds up in the mind to the way the body reacts to situations can hamper if it exists for a prolonged period of time. A person who is constantly exposed to stress and does not explore ways for stress and depression relief will often have to face many issues in life.
Stress can be short-term or long termed. It can appear at a physical level or it can cause an emotional imbalance.
Stress and depression during pregnancy is also a common issue that needs to be addressed. In some cases, fear of pregnancy or a stressful environment leads to depression.
When a person feels threatened, the body uses the fight-or-flight response. This is a psychological reaction displayed by anyone who feels afraid in the current moment. The response dates back to our ancestors who had to face danger frequently.
They had the choice to fight or flee from the situation. When a person experiences this reaction, there are hormones that are released that create a chain of reactions.
The body reacts with an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure while leading to heavy breathing for that period. Stress makes a person feel tense and some of the physical signs would be rapid breathing, flushed skin, trembling hands, dilation of pupils, and more.
The fight-or-flight response keeps one alert and plays an important role to prepare one’s body for a stressful situation. For example, a person who is alert while on their way home late at night would be equipped to handle a difficult situation.
Mindfulness practice brings attention to the present moment.
Imagine a repeated sequence of events that cause stress in the body. The body struggles to cope with the situation or may result in a person seeking their own coping strategies.
It’s important to understand that stress can be caused due to a single event or a series of events that occur on a daily basis. A single event brings out acute stress such as the stress before the first interview or the stress of cooking one’s first meal.
This type of acute stress is temporary by nature. It is minor and can be overlooked. Sometimes, it can cause a person to perform better! In this case, stress that occurs before an interview can be turned into one’s favor when a person motivates themself from within.
In the event stress occurs daily or is present for a prolonged period of time, it can cause significant changes in the body and mind. This type of stress is chronic and is caused by one’s lifestyle or choices taken.
For example, a stressful relationship if unresolved may lead to chronic stress on a daily basis. A person who does not create time for self and their hobbies and continues to work in a highly stressed-out environment creates high levels of stress in life.
One’s mental stress goes higher with a constant connection with stress. Over time, stress and depression at work or at home may become synonymous with one’s style of living, if left unresolved. It’s therefore common to hear,“I’m stressed!” as a part of one’s conversation style.
Stress is a part of one’s life. It’s beneficial when it motivates one to perform better. However, chronic stress is harmful to one’s life. It can increase a feeling of burnout leading to depression. This is why stress and depression management is important. Read more about how to overcome stress & depression.
Chronic stress may not be easily identified, but you can always keep a lookout for these signs.
A constantly stressed out life can lead to hyperthyroidism, hair loss, obesity, heart issues, and other physical symptoms and conditions. Stress can cause eating disorders and depression.
Stress can lead to depression. They may have similarities but cannot be termed as one. Depression is a mental health condition that often affects a person ’s life. Depression causes a person to think there are no options for the problem they are facing and leads to struggle with the internal self.
Depression is long-term and can have serious consequences on the life of a person. When stress wears a person down, they may feel depressed with no energy or motivation to be their best self.
Depression causes a person to ignore things that once brought them joy leading to disturbance in their mental and physical wellbeing. Reducing stress is an important area every person needs to address in their life.
Depression management techniques may need to be learned if talking to friends or self-help books do not bring a change.What’s important to note is that stress can be managed and depression can be cured.
Stress that is not managed on a daily basis can lead to intense feelings of depression. This further leads to coping strategies that do not add any value such as alcoholism or excessive smoking.
A person who says they have struggled or are seeking support is the first step towards beating stress and depression. This should not be considered shameful.
A person who is stressed and depressed may often view life from a negative point of view. A depressed person is incapable of handling challenges and fears the unknown. This may lead to self-isolation and lack of self-belief to be able to perform to their highest potential.
While the reasons for stress can be addressed, coping with depression also requires great thought towards one’s daily habits.
Recognizing signs of burnout is important to address stress. Similarly, understanding one’s emotional wellbeing and signs that show depression is necessary to overcome depression.
If you’re constantly feeling stressed which leads to depression, you need to develop a broader perspective of the lifestyle you are leading. Journaling daily helps you explore your emotions while managing stress effectively.
You may consider asking yourself the following questions:
A depressed person is less likely to enjoy the hobbies that were once pleasurable. However, a person can seek new activities that add joy to the experience of learning. You’ll notice that you feel so much better by adding new skills to your profile.
With time, you’ll enjoy the activities while radiating a wonderful aura. You can work on a former hobby or add new ones that support you to connect with others.
A Mental Strength Professional is here to listen without bias while sharing techniques in an organized manner.
Volunteering is a beautiful way to bring a sense of peace. When you volunteer for a cause, you perform an activity that brings you great joy. For example, you can volunteer to collect items for an organization or you can volunteer your skill that brings happiness and cheer.
If you are uncomfortable to connect on a deeper level, you can support a local group through digital platforms. Volunteering helps you refocus your attention while making you relax and destress. It’s an activity that gives pure joy to help you view your current problems in a different light.
Mindfulness practice brings attention to the present moment. The good news is you can practice basic Mindfulness techniques as shared on trustworthy apps that are designed to support you to combat stress and the depression that is associated with it.
When you practice Mindfulness and meditation for stress and depression, you are constantly aware of being in the present moment. This helps you disassociate yourself from negative emotions from the past or worries from the future.
A practice of meditation also brings in greater peace with a focus on breathing appropriately. Yoga is about the union of the body and mind. It’s a lifestyle that you can adopt to make wiser choices in life. Yoga for stress and depression is an excellent method for emotional wellbeing.
An awareness of these is necessary for stress management to lower all the symptoms of stress and depression.
Sunlight plays an important role in your physical and emotional wellbeing. It’s important to step out into the sun for at least 15 minutes every day. You can manage this by exercising in the sun if possible. You can also add a hobby such as gardening and do it in the early hours to get the sun’s rays on your skin.
Sunlight helps in the creation of Vitamin D that has a great impact on your internal balance. Places that experience harsh winters with reduced exposure sunlight may often lead to increased feelings of depression in people.
Always connect with a health professional to consider taking supplements for Vitamin D as a part of your diet. This will reduce emotional symptoms as well as physical symptoms in the body.
Diet has a direct relation to your emotional health. One of the coping strategies for stress management is an excessive intake of junk food. Your diet needs to be balanced and made at home.
A person who is stressed and depressed may reach out for caffeine, alcohol, oily and fried foods, foods high in sugar, and more. One of the reasons why you may tend to eat too much or too little when depressed is because your diet is not balanced right.
A commonly asked question is about weight loss due to stress and depression.
Follow the points below to manage your body weight.
Stress management requires a shift of focus on self-care. It addresses the basic root cause in your routine to reduce depression symptoms. A routine supports you to stay motivated towards achieving your goals. Your goal here is to love yourself and do one thing every day that motivates you to feel better. /p>
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While there is no specific way on how to overcome depression, seeking professional help opens the doors towards your healing process. A professional offers support and guides you to connect better with yourself.
The use of psychometric tests support greater insights into your personality. Professionals guide you towards making those changes in your thinking and action to create improved thought patterns.
Professionals in the form of therapists and counselors use techniques that treat the root cause while giving you the boost you need to improve your help. A Mental Strength Professional is here to listen without bias while sharing techniques in an organized manner.
Therapists may combine the session with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and may suggest the intervention of a psychiatrist if medication is required or if the current process does not yield results. However, not every person who is stressed and depressed needs medication.
There are many techniques that are created to manage symptoms and support a person to open their minds to live to their highest potential. Developing a healthy attitude towards life allows you to release the pressure on yourself while being aware of triggers and knowing ways to manage stress better.
There are many reasons for stress and knowing ways to manage it gives you the power to choose wisely in life. Stress and depression are not permanent and you can move towards a brand new life with little support and guidance.
Mental Strength Professionals are a group of trained professionals headed by Coach Dr. Paras, Spiritual Coach Ekktaa Daithankar, and Kalpna Joshi (chakra healing). With a rich experience in the areas of mental strength training and coaching, they bring their expertise to their counseling sessions for stress and depression relief.
Mental Strength Professionals offer you support and guidance through the methods of counseling, with depression and stress management techniques aimed to reduce the effects of both. It’s easy to connect with them.
Book a call online and get assured support for building mental strength. The counseling sessions are confidential with a contract that outlines details that supports one’s privacy. They do not prescribe medication. Thank you for reading how to overcome stress and depression article.
Dr. Paras is known for his transformative coaching sessions, mindfulness programs, healing, and therapy-based sessions. His reach spans on a global level. Ekktaa combines her expertise in spirituality and Vedic healing to bring a unique touch to her sessions.
Both are founders of Tava-Mitram, a not-for-profit that supports building emotions and strengthening people from within. Access the free certification on “My Mental Health, My Priority” now and to learn sound techniques.